I have a fair bit in common with my Dad. We like similar music, he used to climb too, and increasingly over the years, we're sharing a taste in books. Exploration, mountaineering, science; there are a whole host of mountaineering books on my shelf that have been generously leant or donated to my collection from Dad's. A few months ago he leant me Fighting for Space, and knowing how much I usually enjoy his recommendations, I was keen to dive in. I was also keen to dive in because he hasn't actually read it yet - but Dad, if you're reading this, don't worry, there aren't any spoilers.
In the first half of the 20th century, aviation boomed and the technology of flight advanced rapidly. This was followed by the space age in the 1950s - with the Cold War festering, the race to put a man in space was on. While NASA fought beat the USSR into manned spaceflight, two incredibly talented female pilots - Jackie Cochran and Jerrie Cobb were fighting their own battle - against the male-dominated aviation institutions, against the misogynistic values of the time, and even against each other. Both multi-record holding pilots in their own right, they both dreamed of being the first woman in space. Both dedicated their lives to that cause: the woman astronaut program that became a national talking point and went all the way to the president. Fighting for Space is a dual biography, telling the story of these two groundbreaking trailblazers, as different as they were determined - strong, fearless women who were set on changing the narrative on female aviation.
This is an absolutely phenomenal read, about two incredibly strong women driven by passion to break through into a hostile world and be recognised for their achievements. In a time when women were confined to homemaking and the PTA, the hurdles that they had to clear in order to pursue their dreams, the attitudes they deal with on a daily basis are almost unbelievable. Not quite completely unbelievable though, since we still face many of those attitudes today, albeit watered down in comparison. There were multiple times I wanted to reach back through time and slap almost every man involved, with special mention and double slap rations going to Clarke T. Randt, director of NASA's Office of Life Science Programs who admitted he couldn't see the need to consider space training for women because he was "one of the old school who favours keeping them barefoot and pregnant." Ugh. Everywhere these women went, every press appearance (where they are, of course described solely by their appearance), they're asked why they want to be better than men, to take achievements away from men. No one seemed to understand that they simply wanted to be offered the same opportunities. It's infuriating to read, but it's aperfect encapsulation of the age old adage: "when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression".
It's safe to say that I know basically nothing about aviation, and even less about space flight, but I was captivated. Teitel's writing is technical without being overloaded in jargon, and explanatory without being condescending to any readers without background knowledge. She does an incredible job of painting these women as real - flaws an all. As pioneers in their time, battling against rampant sexism, it would have been easy to portray them as simply heroes fighting for equal rights, which would have been a disservice to the complex, multifaceted people they were. Jerrie Cobb certainly had ambitions to be the first woman in space, and was wilfully blind to the consequences for other women involved of her pushing to fulfil her dream. Jackie Cochran gave me the impression she felt threatened by other women - a case of breaking the glass ceiling, then taping it back up behind herself. Certainly an attitude of "I haven't personally experienced discrimination, therefore it can't possibly be happening". In all honesty, neither of them come across as particularly likeable by the end of the book, though they are presented without judgement. It doesn't make the story any less enjoyable, but it does make them a lot more real.
As a double biography drawing on everything from personal testimony to private letters, this a complex interwoven story of two women fighting the social and political landscape of the time. It's particularly impressive that these two stories have been woven together so well considering the women were so different - indeed flying was the only thing they had in common. The research in detailed and in-depth, with many correspondence pieces being presented in full - Teitel's passion for the subject and care in writing this book is evident.
Whether you're an aviator yourself, or just have a passing fancy for space flight/planes/20th century gender equality, this is a clear and easy recommendation from me. You may find yourself inspired. Also Dad, if you're reading this, I think you're definitely going to enjoy it!