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Jade City - Fonda Lee


I've done it again, I've been suckered into getting a book based off the bookstagram hype. I've seen this series - the Green Bone Saga raved about all over the place, and I have I succumbed. Obviously the last time I gave into hype, I wasn't impressed and it did not live up to expectations, but what can I say, I spotted a cheap second hand copy (which should pretty clear by now that that is my weakness), I decided to go for it.

The island of Kekon is the only place in the world where jade is found. For those of the correct bloodlines and rigorous training, this rare, magical gemstone enhances abilities, granting the wearer super strength, speed and perception. These Green Bones were once the liberators of occupied Kekon, but in peacetime they have become the backbone of industry and commerce on the island. Rival clans Mountain and No Peak hold an uneasy truce, each controlling half of Kekon capital Janloon, but when the Mountain's actions escalate, violence erupts on the streets. And when war is declared between Green Bones, the future of all of Kekon is at stake.

The gangster genre isn't something I would usually dip in to, and despite its fantasy elements, this is definitely a book about gangsters and gang war. It's definitely good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes, because this was excellent. The fantasy elements do elevate it - a fictional land and subtle magic in the form of ability enhancing gemstones, without them being the driving factor - I mean, you could take the fantasy elements out of it and still have a solid, gripping plot. The setting doesn't seem to translate directly to our modern day - there is some technology, like security cameras, but no mobile phones, so I pictured an 80s vibe. An Asian inspiration isn't something that's often seen in fantasy either, so this is refreshing, as well as being reminiscent of classic Hong Kong gangster films.

I do wish that the jade abilities were explored more. Contact with jade gives the wearer enhanced abilities, such as steel (strength), deflection, channelling and perception, and we're introduced to them gradually, as they're used. This is fine! Better than a massive exposition dump, but a leeeettle bit more exposition might have been useful. While steel and perception are quite obvious, I'm not really clear what channelling actually does and I don't think we've seen the extent of the deflection ability yet. There are a few interludes scattered between chapters here are there which contain some of the myths and legends of Kekon and really help to contextualise the story, but one for the abilities would have been useful too. As I said above, the fantasy isn't the main driver here, and the jade magic isn't actually used that much, beyond characters' perception of the people they're interacting with, and fight scenes. From where Jade City ends, I am really hoping that the magic and jade takes more of a front seat in the second book in the series, Jade War and I'm excited to see how this unfolds as the series continues

I love the writing style of this book, the dialogue is great, and while it does get off to a slow start, the pacing flips from steady to all out around a third of the way through, and after that the action just does not stop. The violence is brutal and hits hard without feeling gratuitous or over the top

Character development is a real strength here too - the four main characters. Lan, Hilo, Shae and Anden all have the same core priority - putting family first above all else, but demonstrate this in completely distinct ways which is really interesting. Their conversations and dynamics are exciting and realistic and the sibling rivalries and relationships are stellar. I quickly became invested in the characters and which made the second half of the book pretty intense.

This is a big fat recommend from me. I'm definitely keen to see where this story goes, especially of the back of that cliffhanger! There's something here for everyone - if you're a fan of urban fantasy, gangster plots, or just great character driven plot, this is one for you to check out. Or hey, even if it isn't, why not step out of your comfort zone, sometimes it does work out!

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